Cape Town Pride Parade


Representatives from the Democratic Alliance showed their support by wearing their party t-shirts decorated with LGBT colours. Some of our team tried talking with them in order to share the Gospel, but the political representatives were too DSCN0225intoxicated to maintain a reasonable conversation.

The biggest public pushback was on account of the exclusion of black lesbians, who complained that they did not receive enough sponsorship for transport and after-party events. The leader of Good Hope Metropolitan Community Church complained that there was not enough diversity and distribution of money.

While many claim that these rallies are all about acceptance and “love”, it was clearly a loud unashamed boast about sin. From the clothing (or lack thereof), music and behaviour, it was clear that this event was a public sensual taunt for people to flaunt their sexual identity.

“Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18

The theme of the event was Love Happens Here. Our team of evangelists decided to point people to the greatest display of love this world has ever encountered. While we were still indulging in our sin, Christ was put on display at Calvary. He took the sin and shame of the world upon Himself when He was publically crucified, so that the humble and penitent sinner who trusts in Him will have eternal life.

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” 1 Peter 5:5

We handed out many evangelistic tracts and had more conversations than expected. Many of our people and the volunteers from Kwasizabantu Mission said that people were very open to listening to the Gospel. We also brought a video camera to have interviews with people about why they were there and used it as opportunities to share the Gospel.

One man I interviewed said that he is gay. He is a leader in the Anglican church, although he confessed that homosexuality was frowned upon in his denomination. At first he claimed that homosexuality is not a sin. Later, he admitted that it is in fact a sin and something that needs to be repented of.

DSCN0229Others in our team said that they were able to share the way of salvation with many people. We also found that most people we spoke to had a church background. It makes one wonder: what is being preached in all of these churches?

At one stage, the event organizer called some of the team over to his office. He told them that if they were handing out religious material, he could not protect them while they were outside of the event. He insisted that they go inside if they wanted to speak to people about Christianity. About four of our team went inside the event (without being required to pay), and spoke to many people about their “religious point of view”.

While there were many positive opportunities to show the love of Christ to our gay neighbours, there was also opposition. Some of our people were sworn at and threatened with physical violence. One of our team said that he was made to feel dirty by some of the vile comments that homosexual men made at him.

The Christian community has a great responsibility to show our sexually confused world the way of salvation, the importance of being image bearers of God, the reality of marriage representing Christ’s relationship with His bride, the truth of God’s Word concerning sexual sin and the way of forgiveness and freedom through Jesus Christ.

“Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?” Matthew 19:4-5.

For more information, I recommend The Pink Agenda by Dr Peter Hammond and Christine Mc Cafferty. Also see the article Rise of the GayGb and the Pink Inquisition.

Rev. John Clifford

Africa Christian Action

P.O. Box 23623 Claremont

7735 Cape Town South Africa

Tel: 021 689 4480

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