16 Years of Salt and Light (2011)


1995 was a momentous year. The Constitutional Assembly was proposing that South Africa be a secular state, with a Constitution which would not only entrench the legalisation of abortion, pornography, prostitution and perversion, but also outlaw the use of any government building, including Town Halls, school classrooms, etc. for church services! Ds. S oon Zevenster and I worked together on mobilising the Christian Voice march in which tens-of-thousands of Capetonians marched to parliament, 30 May 1995, to protest the planned paganisation of the nation.

Shortly after that Ds. Zevenster launched Radio Tygerberg and Africa Christian Action had the privilege of being part of this dynamic ministry from the beginning. We were the first English speaking radio programme on Radio Tygerberg . We have been informed that our Salt and Light radio programme, which has been broadcasting every Tuesday night since August 1995, is the longest running programme on a Christian community radio station in the country.

Dealing on a weekly basis with pro-life, pro-family, moral issues and current affairs, Salt and Light has played a key role in mobilising opposition to the Telkom 087 Dial-a-porn, the Bellville Arts Association blasphemy battle, the attempt to restrict religious freedom in schools and broadcasting. This involved organising marches and submissions to parliament to oppose the attempts to force all community radio stations to be representative of every religious and non-religious view within that community, instead of community-of-interest stations. In 1998, with less than five days warning, without any opportunity to do any mailings, using radio alone, over 10,000 Capetonians marched to parliament to protest the plans to close down Christian community radio stations in the country. In 1999, there was another battle concerning attempts to restrict religious freedom in education. These threats to Christian schools and homeshcooling were decisively confronted.

On many occasions Salt and Light dealt with issues that families and communities are grappling with, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Throughout the years we have received many encouraging responses and testimonies from individuals, families, congregations and communities which have been challenged and blessed from the weekly Salt and Light radio programmes. Those outside of Cape Town can listen to Salt and Light online at 9:30pm every Tuesday evening at www.104FM.co.za.

Many of the Salt and Light programmes have been compiled into MP3 boxsets . These are available from Christian Liberty Books This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za, Tel/Fax: 021-689-7478.

Christian Action P.O.Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa [email protected] - 021-689-4481 - www.christianaction.org.za
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