Prayer and Praise Update - March 2016



Thank you very much for praying for Africa Christian Action. Your prayers are much needed and greatly appreciated.


Reaching the Nations for Christ – Great Commission Camp
76 people from all over the world (including from America, Germany, Botswana, Malawi and Zimbabwe) participated in our intensive 6-day Great Commission Camp held out at Back to Basics, near Grabouw. The camp stretched minds and muscles as participants learnt how to reach the nations for Christ. Presentations included: The Creation Mandate, The Greatness of the Great Commission, Right With God, Resisting the New World Order, Spiritual Stamina, Biblical Faith and Modern Counterfeits, Discipline, Total Depravity, The Harvest is Large, The Three-Fold Gospel, Missionaries Who Changed the World, The Message in the Music, Modesty, 10 Marks of Revival, The Hard Words of Jesus, The Sovereignty of God, Revival Prayer, and Christian Action. Workshops included: Evangelism Workshops incorporating Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion principles, self-defence and Bushcraft Survival Skills. We also put feet to our Faith, sharing the Gospel one-on-one in the streets of Grabouw during daily outreaches.


Taking a Stand for Life
After the camp, the Great Commission Course continued for another two-weeks of intensive Missions training with 15 participants. Outreaches included a demonstration, prayer vigil outside and side-walk conversations with women and men going into Marie Stopes abortuary, sharing the Gospel one-on-one at the Waterfront, ministering at a feeding programme for destitute children in Ocean View, outreaches and ministry to the elderly and disabled in Kraaifontein, a Hospice outreach in Capri and sharing the Gospel with Muslims in Bo-Kaap.


March for LIfe 2016 with bannerMarch for Life
Monday, 1 February 2016: Marchers mourned the over 1.3 million babies killed by abortion since it was legalised in South Africa exactly 19 years ago. A funeral procession to the gates of Parliament, led by a hearse, with marchers carrying little coffins, crosses, flowers, flags, banners and posters, was hosted by the Christian Action Network in memory of the thousands of babies, killed by abortion, who have never had a funeral.A six metre billboard trailer, with the words, “Abortion is Murder”, and “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” (Proverbs 31:8) followed the marchers.Over 80 Christians, including pastors from different denominations, took part in the procession and gathered afterwards to pray outside the main gates of Parliament in Cape Town.Participants at the Prayer Rally prayed a Scriptural Imprecatory Prayer, calling on the nation and government leaders to repent of the national sin of abortion and warning of God's Judgement if they do not Repent.

Cross-Western Cape Sanctity of Life Walk
Opportunities to give presentations at churches in Beaufort West, Dysselsdorp, Oudtshoorn and Mamre were some of the highlights for a team of five walkers and three drivers who trekked nearly 500km across the Western Cape to proclaim a Biblical pro-life message and collect signatures for a petition opposing abortion-on-demand. The walk culminated with the National Day of Repentance March for Life and Prayer Vigil outside Parliament. The petition (with 1700 signatures), which is appealing for the Termination of Pregnancy Act to be overturned, was handed to Member of Parliament, Steve Swart, who will see that it is brought to the attention of the relevant Parliamentary portfolio committees. Taryn and Abrie joined the walkers in Mamre, to present Fight the New Drug at a youth meeting.

Abrie open air preaching at UCT march 2016Outreaches at UCT
During Orientation Weeks, the two weeks before the riots at the University of Cape Town erupted (Tuesday, 16 February), we have conducted seven different outreaches on campus (continuing weekly outreaches from last year). We have been preaching the Gospel, engaging in on-on-one evangelism and distributing Gospel tracts and New Testaments. We also distributed New Testaments, the latest edition of Christian Action magazines (with the main article A Biblical Response to Protests) and Evangelism Training Boxsets to eight different Christian student societies on campus. Two days after the mayhem erupted, Abrie went to the Rondebosch Police Station to try and get an opportunity to preach the Gospel to the students arrested for the destruction of property during the riots. He was refused access to them, but he did seize the opportunity to preach the Gospel to the large group of students who had come to visit their friends in the holding cells! Suddenly, several news reporters, also gathered at the Police Station, were filming his Gospel sermon! Please continue to pray for these twice-weekly outreaches.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Indoctrination or Education?
We dealt with Biblical Solutions to the education crisis in South Africa and Biblical solutions to racism on several Salt and Light programmes and a radio phone-in programme on CCFM, and screened the IndoctriNATION film about the hijacking of government schools at the Reformation Society in Cape Town.

“Tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done…so that the next generation would know them … Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget His deeds but would keep His Commands. They would not be…stubborn and rebellious…” Psalm 78:4-8

Abrie at Wynberg BoysSchools Ministry
We have had opportunities to give the Fight the New Drug presentation at two high schools in Cape Town so far this year. We have another two school meetings coming up in March and April. In each presentation, I explain how pornography addiction is similar to a drug addiction in its damaging effects on the addict’s brain, and how an addiction to porn deteriorates over time to the point where the addict is so desensitised, he wants to act out the abuse he has seen. This is why almost all serial rapists are porn addicts. At both schools, Abrie shared the Gospel as part of his testimony. At the second school, a group of boys stayed behind after the presentation to ask him questions. One boy said that during the presentation he deleted all the porn off his phone! This was another good opportunity for Abrie to remind them that although deleting porn off your phone is a good start, we must repent of our sin and surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ to experience lasting freedom.

"If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed..." John 8:36 

Fight the New Drug Leaflets
We distributed our Fight the New Drug leaflets to each learner as they left the hall. We have added a Gospel paragraph to these leaflets, and pray this will be an important reinforcement of the Gospel message they heard. At each school we visit, we also donate a copy of the Porndemic book to the school library and leave JOY! magazines and Christian Action magazines for all the teachers. Contact us to organise a presentation at schools in your area.

Upcoming Events
Abrie and I have opportunities to conduct Way of the Master Evangelism Workshops at two local churches. We are starting to arrange meetings for a five-province South Africa Mission in June.

We are very grateful for your prayers and partnership with Christian Action in this fight for Faith and Family.

Yours for Reformation and Revival,

Taryn Lourens

International Co-ordinator

Africa Christian Action
PO Box 23632
7735Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: 021-689 4481 
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