Letter to Teachers about Card Making Project


Dear Teacher

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

On National Women’s Day (Monday, 9 August 2021), which is a public holiday, we will be running outreaches in shopping malls. We have been conducting these outreaches in shopping malls every year since 1995.

We will be offering free literature from our tables to all interested people, primarily focusing on informing and motivating people to make a difference in stopping human trafficking. The two main leaflets that we will be offering are: STOP the Traffick! and Fight the New Drug.


Stop the Traffick! deals with the global challenge of human trafficking and what we can do to rescue victims and prevent this modern day slave trade.

Fight the New Drug is aimed primarily at sceptical youth and educates on the harmful effects of pornography – how pornography addiction has similar effects on one’s brain to hard drugs and destroys relationships.

We want to make women feel special this Women’s Day by giving them flowers, chocolates and handmade cards.


We would like to invite your students to be involved in a card making project. The initiative came from Sarah-Jane Vegas, a survivor of trafficking and now the director of the Stand For Justice Movement, who have worked alongside the police in California. She reaches out to girls that dance in strip clubs, through the handing out of an encouraging picture and affirming them with words of affirmation. In 2019 she shared her testimony at an art apprenticeship group in Redding, California, where the students dedicated their time to make cards for these outreaches. Many of the girls she reached out to, would put the picture on their locker or closet and it would remind them of the love and freedom that is available to them if they should escape and turn from their current lifestyle.


We are still collecting handmade cards, with less than two weeks left until Women’s Day to reach our goal of collecting 1000 cards to be distributed in Malls this August! Our aim is to collect 1000 cards, but anything beyond that would be splendid. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated. The card can have a picture and an affirming word, phrase, scripture verse or quote on it.


You can contact Dalinda to coordinate the collection of these cards at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . We are situated in Rondebosh, but we can arrange for cards to be picked up from your school.


The challenges and opportunities before us are great. Together we can make a vital difference.



Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

In His Service,

Dalinda Scholtz



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Christian Action P.O.Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa [email protected] - 021-689-4481 - www.christianaction.org.za
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