God Among the Zulus - 60 Incredible Years of Ministry



This year Rev. Erlo Stegen celebrates 60 years in ministry. Probably no man of God in South Africa since Andrew Murray has had such Revival blessings accompany his ministry. The Revival in Zululand since 1966 has resulted in spectacular conversions of witchdoctors, murderers and people from every walk of life, transformed lives and launched dynamic ministries throughout the world.


When Erlo Stegen was converted he lost all interest in parties, dances and the obsession to make money. The things of the world receded and the promises of the Scripture became very precious. After studying in Bible school, Erlo Stegen preached amongst the Zulus for 12 years and although thousands responded to his calls for public commitment to Christ, he was deeply disappointed in his ministry.

Hunger for Holiness

Erlo Stegen hungered for Holiness and sought the Lord for Revival. He could not reconcile his experience, and those of his converts, with the Biblical standard in the Book of Acts. “The early Church didn’t tolerate sin, they had no room and no time for sin, and dealt with it most severely. We worship God and tolerate sin in our midst!”

Revival Fire

Through much Bible study, soul searching, intensive prayer and agony of heart, Erlo Stegen sought the Lord for Revival. It was Christmas 1966, when the Revival broke out at Maphumulo. They were praying in a cow shed when they heard a noise like a great wind. “Everybody was conscious of the presence of God. All I could do was bow down and worship the God of Heaven.” Rev. Erlo Stegen observes:“When I was seeking God for Revival, I expected Him to start with the heathen, instead, He started with the biggest sin of all – me.” “Revival is not churches filled with people, but people filled with God.” “The Holy Spirit is not recognised through signs and wonders, but by His Holiness.”


Then a witch, who was in charge of a training school for witches, came to the young missionary. She said: “I need Jesus. Can He save me? I am bound with the chains of hell. Can He break these chains?” Erlo Stegen and his co-workers began to sing hymns of victory, of the Risen Christ, the Mighty Victor who has overcome the devil, conquered sin and death, paid the price with His own Blood! As they sang, the woman flung herself on the ground on her hands and knees, and the evil spirits left her. She was transformed and shone like a saint: “Jesus has set me free! Jesus has broken these chains of hell!”

Transformed Lives

Soon hundreds of sick, troubled and demon-possessed people were streaming towards Rev. Stegen for counsel and prayer. Hardened sinners wept like children. “It was as if the Day of Judgment had dawned. The conviction went so deep that some of them couldn’t believe that Jesus could forgive them. They came with tears and they left with joy. Their lives were changed and all things became new.”


Testimonies of healings, deliverances and transformed lives spread like wild-fire and soon the little Zulu congregation in Maphumulo had to move to a larger location at what is today called KwaSizabantu (the place where people are helped). Today the Mission has buildings that can house 4,500 people, but it constantly has the problem of too little accommodation. The auditorium at KwaSizabantu Mission can seat 10,000 people. The Mission station is a hive of activity: Intensive farming in hothouses, a vast spring water bottling plant, a factory which produces one of South Africa’s most successful dairy brands, a bakery, a clinic, a Teacher Training College which provides a four year Degree, Radio Kwezi, one of the largest Christian community radio stations in the country, and the Domino Servite School, which has had the distinction of producing some of the top students in the country.

International Ministry

KwaSizabantu Mission is one of the most extraordinarily successful Mission stations on the continent of Africa. Rev. Erlo Stegen, and his team of over 150 missionaries, have established mission stations, schools and congregations throughout South Africa, and as far afield as France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Romania and Russia.

Rev. Erlo Stegen teaches: “The first thing that happens when the Holy Spirit comes into a person’s life is that He convicts that person of sin. There is brokenness. The Word of God comes alive. It smites us and pierces our heart. The Word of God is like a hammer that breaks the rocks into pieces. We cannot worship God and tolerate sin in our midst. We need to get serious with God and His Word.”

For more information to invite a speaker, or to arrange to visit the Mission, contact KwaSizabantu Mission: 032-481-5727;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.ksb.org.za.

Christian Action P.O.Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa [email protected] - 021-689-4481 - www.christianaction.org.za
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